Deydrianna Archambeau

"The Red Star, Returned"

Character Information

Lady Archambeau carries an air of grace and observation. At first, it might seem as though she's in her own little world, aloof and disregarding. However, the flicks and turns of her ears denote that she's very much aware of her surroundings, listening and taking note of the happenings about her person.At a Glance
With thick waves of bright red hair and equally brilliant rhotano blue eyes, the woman's coloring is reminiscent of fire and water, perhaps even a hint at Deydri's personality. Another hard-to-miss feature is her diminutive height. While taller than an auri woman, she only stands at five fulms and three ilms, a dwarf's stature for a viera.
Deydrianna was born in Sharlayan and it shows through the woman's abundance of curiosity. While she believes in the twelve, she's far more 'science-minded' than religious. She can be shy, staying to the walls or corners of a room until she's comfortable enough to leave her refuge. Despite being a wallflower, she can be aggressive when pushed, and one will find a strong body beneath those soft curves.
Au ra, Elezen, Viera, oh my!
Opalescent white scales and a somewhat dimunitive height are huge flags that point at the Viera's mixed heritage, and are abundantly noticeable against the light tan skin she inherited from her Rava-born father. While she does have elezen heritage, it's difficult to pinpoint that aspect.
Between soap and a light perfume, Deydrianna smells of potent lilacs and citrusy oranges, a mixture that offers a morning's invigoration and spring's gentle awakening.
Even the sea is placid on a tranquil day, it's when the winds screech and howl that the mirror's surface shatters and roils. It is much the same with Deydri's aether. Strong, potent, serene... until something or someone comes along and damages her calm.

Character Story NPCs


  • Orleau Archambeau: Eva's twin. Married to Corene. Father of Arienne and Ciddoux. Orleau appears as a large elezen lad with red hair, blue eyes, and white scales like his mother.

  • Eva Boullard: Orleau's twin. Married to Max Boullard. Mother of Orent. Eva appears almost as a feminine version of her father, only gaining her mother's short and curvy physique. Her son, however, looks purely like a baby Raen, despite Max's pure elezen background.

  • Tybalt and Tristan Archambeau: Both twins look like tiny carbon copies of their father, minus the draconic glow to their eyes.

  • Daisuke and Reykur Archambeau: Both boys share a mirrored crescent 'birthmark' on the side of their faces. They have Gael's hair and Deydri's eyes, and viera ears.

  • Hanako and Nakatane Archambeau: Nakatane has Gael's eye color and Deydri's hair, as well as her scales and leporine ears. Hanako looks like a miniature Deydrianna.

  • Rhiannon Archambeau: The first non-twinned child. Rhiannon shares Gael's skin, hair and eye coloring, but Deydrianna's scales, petite nature, and viera ears.

  • Uchiharu, Keilenne, and Moritame: Each triplet has their own unique appearance. Uchiharu has his father's red hair and teal eyes, but has inherited the horns and tail of his auri great-grandfather. Keilenne, on the other hand, looks like a normal viera with Gael's red hair and her grand-father's golden eyes. Moritame's hair is black, inherited from either his grandfather or great-grandfather, but his eyes are teal, as Gael's once were. While his brother may have gotten the horns and tail, Moritame has elezen ears and his mother's white auri scales.


  • Manase Mase (Mama): 'Mama', as she's known by the family, is an elderly lalafell who helped Gael survive his youth in Ishgard well before the walls went up.

  • Motsuki Mizuki: While a Raen, Motsuki is Deydri's great-uncle by birth. He has more recently moved in with the Archambeau's and is nearly always seen alongside 'Mama'.

  • Oldette Archambeau: Originally planned as a surrogacy, Gael fathered Oldette. Unfortunately, once she was born, the mother decided not to keep her. Deydrianna has adopted her and does her best to treat her as she would the rest of her children.

  • Jasper: Orleau's Roegadyn best friend. Jasper has been unofficially adopted by the Archambeau's and calls Deydri 'mom.' He is married to Raelthota, a longterm friend of Gael and Deydri's, and the pair now have two children, Kara and Lydir.

  • Gretta: Mama's longterm associate and probably her closest friend. Gretta runs something akin to an antique shop.

  • Frankie: Mama's nephew. Gael and Frankie did not get along until recently, and due to the crux of their issues, Frankie hadn't spoken to Mama in quite some time, either. Thankfully, those issues have since been rectified, even if the damage couldn't truly be undone. Despite the age gap, Frankie is now married to Gretta.

  • Sophie: Though technically not family, Sophie has become Gretta's apprentice. This means that family dinners are oft preluded by the trio of lalafells (Frankie, Gretta, and Sophie) waddling their way up to the door.


  • Moulton: A longterm acquaintance to Gael, it wasn't until the family moved to Sharlayan that a formal and binding friendship was struck. It was only with Deydri's prodding that his wife, Serrana, finally accepted his offer of marriage.

  • Serrana: Wife of Moulton, she is also the sister of Mila and Onaer. Of the viera trio, she is the closest to Deydri as a friend.

  • Joulton: Husband to Onaer, Joulton is Moulton's larger brother.

  • Nikulas (Nik): Nik serves as the main caretaker and operator of the Phoenix Down - the club run by Gaelelorn Archambeau. He is privy to most of the family's secrets.

  • Milo and A'nar: Milo was once mute, and was the first 'test subject' for Deydri's thesis. Realizing he couldn't taste the food at family dinners, she took it upon herself to return that pleasurable sense to him. His husband A'nar aided in putting together events for the club. Together, they now run the 'Catty-Cat' fashion and glamour studio in Sharlayan. Pier 9.

  • Anelle and Mila: Anelle is a longterm associate (and former lover) of Gael's. Despite their past, she lives with the family and helps in taking care of the children with Mila, her lover.

  • Kai and Anne: On and off again lovers to Gael and Deydri. With Kai unable to father children, Gael acted as a surrogate for the couple. Sibault and Jadeux carry Anne's coloring and some of her hyuran traits, but some of Gael's elezen features, making it nigh undiscernable that the twins are in fact, not Kai's.

Plot Hooks

(Bright gold text acts as a link either to our joint Carrd, or to more in-depth information on that subject)

Character Hooks

General statistics about the character that may be noticed and used as a means for approach.

  • Race: Mixed heritage, visibly Viera and Raen.

  • Age: 41. Appears to be in her 20's.

  • Sex: Female.

  • Orientation: Bisexual, male leaning.

  • Status: Married/Bonded to Gaelelorn Archambeau

  • Home: Old Sharlayan (Canonically - no housing yet/no proxy), Ishgard proper: Mateus - Ward 27, Plot 11.

  • Business: Red Star Botanicals: Ward 27, Apt 7. | Red Star Growery: Ward 27, Apt 8.

  • Unique Features: Mixed Race (see Character Info). Archon mark on both shoulders. Black tattoos. Constellations of the Ewer (blue) and Balance (red) along her ribs. Glowing markings on both thighs and center back.

  • Build: Fit with a heavy hourglass physique.

  • Scars: If visible - there is a decent sized scar on the left side of her torso, and a smaller, almost diamond-shaped scar atop her left thigh.

  • Deity of Reverence: Born under Thaliak. Not overly religious, but bears a small reverence for Nymeia in her belief in fate.

Relevant Game Mechanics

  • Primary Class: Hedgewitch: Eclectic spellcaster specializing in runes and sigils.

  • Secondary Class: Martialist: Deydri is partial to weaponless combat but has had training in sword, shield, and scythe.

  • Tertiary Class: Astrologian (Deydri's original class)

  • Unknown/Hidden: Seer

  • Professions: Alchemist and Botanist.

  • Hobbies: Musician, Dancing, Running, Swimming, cooking.

  • Data Center: Crystal

  • Server: Mateus

  • Time Zone: EST

Plot Hooks

Current story beats.

  • Archon: An exposed shoulder will show familiar aetheric tattoos that mark the woman as an Archon of Sharlayan.

  • Bard: The couple can occasionally be found playing music throughout Eorzea.

  • Dark Crimson Tavern: Deydri and Gael have begun fighting at DCT's bi-weekly venue within the Goblet.

  • Memorias Oblitus: The last Saturday of every month, Deydri works at the Memorias Oblitus speakeasy. (Zal LB | W11 P3)

History Hooks

Points in Deydri's history where one may have interacted with, seen, or heard about her.

  • Studium: Attended during her younger years and left at roughly seventeen years of age. Anyone knowing her from this point would have to have attended well before the Battle of Silvertear Skies.

  • Ishgard: Unfortunately, Deydri spent her years in Ishgard in hiding, using a glamour to blend in as an elezen woman. In the shadows, one might have known her better as Lord Gaelelorn Archambeau's personal secretary, the woman rarely far from his side even as he courted and rejected women over the years. Towards the end of the Dragonsong War, she would become publicly known as Lady Archambeau.

  • Gridania: Once the walls of Ishgard were reopened, the Archambeaus spent a stint of time in Gridania to bond with their now teenage children.

  • Sharlayan: After the years in Ishgard and the hiatus in Eorzea, the entire Archambeau family moved to Deydris' homeland where they have resided to this day.

  • Teacher, Teacher: Deydri has taught both Alchemy and Astrology courses at the Studium within the last few years.

  • Red Star Botanicals: Once 'Home of the Candle Potion', Red Star Botanicals has closed its doors. While it survived being burned down, it does not seem that it has survived the closure for the three month fraud investigation.

Out of Character

About the Author
I've held many names over the last several years. More recently, my online name has simply been 'Tea'. I have been doing roleplay and joint storytelling via online games, forums, and tabletop settings since about 2012 and have no intention of stopping anytime soon. That being said, I enjoy and am open to a wide variety of themes.
Combat Resolution
Coming from a tabletop background and fully believing in fairness, I prefer to handle combat via a simple d20 roll system. Rules can be figured out ahead of time, but to avoid confusion and any potential for metagaming or godmodding, I do prefer to use dice.
In character flirting is fine, however I'm not going to ERP with you. There are very very select circumstances that this would ever happen, so it would be better to assume the answer is no.
I am on Mateus, but am willing to travel. I am willing to do most themes, given that they do not go against my previous stipulation. I do my best to be lore abiding, but am not opposed to lore bending, so long as it's within reason.
My Main Character
Deydrianna is of mixed heritage and hails from Sharlayan. She also has a LOT of children, which I understand may be odd or off-putting to some roleplayers.
As a note of courtesy and caution, her backstory contains quite a few things that might be upsetting or considered triggering.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Contact Information

Le Petite Mensonge

Deydrianna's introduction to Ishgard was not a friendly one. Despite looking like a young elezen woman with dark hair and pale eyes, that didn't protect her from being kidnapped and sold to Le Petit Mensonge. Her initial 'training' wasn't even complete before the establishment was due to hold a gala - an event that she feared would see the secret of her true appearance, outed. Taking a risk, she confided the truth to the 'Master', one Gaelelorn Archambeau, and upon learning her secret, the man did the only thing he could to protect her: he bought her.Gael would turn over a large percentage of his share in the company's holdings in exchange for the virginal new 'elezen' they'd acquired, an offer his father couldn't refuse.Going forward, she would no longer don the black 'nightgown' of an 'initiate worker', instead she was put into a more professional set of attire that would mark her as Gael's personal secretary. Frequenters of the establishment would have known her specifically as "The Young Master's" property.As Ishgard's walls closed to the outside world, those attending would find both Gael and Deydri to be often moody, particularly at certain times of the year. Over the years, Cerenol would attempt to marry off his 'son', but each attempt would end in some manner or another, either Gael or the prospective lady's family ending the proposal. At least once, one of his courtiers did attend the establishment and Deydri had to hold her composure as Gael at least pretended to court the woman, his 'secretary' offering the pair drinks throughout the night. The woman left at the end, however, and never requested another date with Gael again.It wasn't long after that final 'date' that Cerenol mysteriously vanished and the mantle of Lord passed to Gaelelorn. With this passing came the public announcement that Deydrianna was his wife, something that didn't surprise the workers terribly much, but would have been a bit of a shock to the patrons. As the Dragonsong War came to a close, so too did 'The Little Lie,' her owners leaving the country for unknown reasons and the workers released to find new employment with much heavier purses than one might have expected.

Returning Home

  • Making a Home: Deydri and Gael brought Eva and Orleau, their two teenage children, to Sharlayan and enrolled both in the Studium.

  • A Favor: The Blue Candle once flickered as a back-alley type of club that catered to low-brow debauchery. Not long after arriving in Sharlayan, a competitor asked the couple to investigate, their findings leading to the eventual 'snuffing' of the candle. Patrons who'd attended prior, would have remembered the place as being one with grungy booths, filthy floors, and even dirtier business practices. After the Candle's remodel, one would find the place to be far cleaner, more elegant, and less geared towards the sole draw of the 'fruits of the flesh'. Instead, live music and an open dance floor became the main stage with the more exotic performances being held in paid event rooms.

  • Snuffing the Candle: It would be some time before the Candle closed it's doors for good and the Phoenix Down was resurrected from its ashes. The club still holds the classier effects the new owners instilled in the Candle, but the Archambeaus have made made it their own. Galas are held on a quarterly basis, with themed decorations, costumes, drinks, music, and events.

  • What Happens at Fight Club...: Fight Club was a later addition to the Phoenix Down's offerings. Generally held in 'secret', people of all standings come to watch or participate in matches. Each match is one on one in a 'heat' of eight competitors. No weapons. No metal on clothing. No shoes. No blows to the back of the head. Fights go for three minutes, if no one is knocked out before the bell, it goes to the judges.

  • Lover's Spat: Participants in Fight Club would have seen Deydri and Gael frequently under the names 'Cinnabun and Copper'. From these events, they would also know that Deydrianna has one hell of a kick, and that Gaelelorn often fights like a preying mantis - remain still until absolutely necessary.

  • New Management: Nikulus Vannheim has become the owner/manager of the Phoenix Down, though Gael still offers assistance and advice when needed.

  • Archon: With a laborious amount of study and effort, Deydri put forth the notion of working prosthetics that delivered results bordering on natural sensation. Her work focused on the tongue, eyes, and leg, though her thesis also assured that her applications could be used in other ways.

What's a Seer?

While Deydri is considered a hedgewitch, her gift marks her as a 'Seer' or diviner. But what does the word 'Seer' actually mean?On an OOC note, I will never have Deydri simply 'know you' or have prior knowledge of your character without your explicit permission and/or request. This is NOT intended as a tool for metagaming and is solely meant to add flavor and enrich the RP experience.So what can a Seer do?Pondering the Orb: A tool that Deydri was gifted by Gretta, the orb appears as a white stone ball that can be manipulated into the shape of a plate-like form. With focus, aetherical attunement, and a bit of effort, the seer can peer forward or backwards in time - but only in relation to the specific event, object, or person that she's focused on.Heart of the Cards: As an Astrologian, it would be odd for her to not have cards. However, it's through these cards that she can divine how current events might go. The downside is that she can still misinterpret these events. Alternatively, she can also use her cards to locate something or someone by charting which constellations and geographical landmarks show up in a reading under the relevant cards. It still leaves a wide berth of error, but often gets her in the right area.Midsummer Night's Dream: While rare, Deydri will occasionally experience a dream - or more likely, a nightmare - that holds prophetic significance. This can include: knowing of a person she's never met, sometimes to the point that she is aware of some hidden details due to her interactions with that person within her dream; knowing that a theory will work and how to accomplish it - because she's already done 'the thing' in her dream.